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Remote sensing techniques and geochemical constraints on the formation of the Wadi El-Hima mineralized granites, Egypt: new insights into the genesis and accumulation of garnets


The Wadi El-Hima Neoproterozoic I- and A-type granites in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt are rich in garnets (up to 30 vol. %) and are cut by NW-SE strike-slip faults, as confirmed from structure lineament extraction maps. These mineralized granites and garnet mineralization zones can be successfully discriminated by using remote sensing techniques. Spectral angle mapper and matched filtering techniques are highly effective for mapping garnet-rich zones and show that the highest garnet concentrations occur along the intrusive contact zone of NW-SE striking faults. El-Hima granites have high SiO2 (73.5-75.1 wt. %), Al2O3 (13.4-15.3 wt. %) and total alkali (6.7-8.7 wt. %) contents, suggesting that they were sourced from peraluminous (A/CNK > 1) parental magmas. Garnet-bearing trondhjemites are metasomatic in origin and formed after I-type tonalite-granodiorites, which originated in a volcanic arc tectonic setting. Garnet-rich syenogranites and alkali-feldspar granites are both post-collisional A-type granites: the syenogranites formed from peraluminous magmas generated by partial melting of lower-crustal tonalite and metasedimentary protoliths during lithospheric delamination, and the alkali-feldspar granites crystallized from highly fractionated, felsic and alkali-rich peraluminous magmas in the upper crust. Garnets in El-Hima mineralized granites occur in three forms: 1) subhedral disseminated crystals, 2) vein-type crystals, and 3) aggregated subhedral crystals, reflecting different mechanisms of accumulation. All are dominantly almandine in composition (Alm76Sps10 Prp7Grs6Adr1) and have high average concentrations of heavy rare earth elements (HREE) (ΣHREE = 1636 ppm), Y= (3394 ppm), Zn (325 ppm), Li (39.17 ppm) and Ga (34.94 ppm). Garnet REE patterns show strong negative Eu anomalies with HREE enriched relative to LREE, indicating a magmatic origin. These magmatic garnets are late-stage crystallization products of Al-rich hydrous magmas, and formed at low temperature (680-730 Cº) and pressure (2.1-2.93 kbar) conditions in the upper continental crust. Peculiar garnet concentrations in syenogranites near and along contact zones with alkali feldspar granites are related to peraluminous parent hydrous magma compositions. These garnets formed by in-situ crystallization from A-type granite melts, alongside accumulation of residual garnets left behind after partial melting of the host garnet-rich granites along the intrusive contact. Magmatic-fluid flow along the NW-SE striking fault of Najd system enhanced garnet accumulation in melts, which formed clots and veins of garnet.

Key words: mineralized granites, garnet genesis, almandine-rich garnet, ASTER data, Spectral angle mapper, matched filtering

Remote sensing techniques and geochemical constraints on the formation of the Wadi El-Hima mineralized granites, Egypt: new insights into the genesis and accumulation of garnets Reviewed by Saif Abo Khashaba on 12:15 م Rating: 5

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